Religions That Start With Z

Welcome to my blog post about religions that start with Z! In today’s world, we are fortunate to have access to a wide range of religions that originated in different parts of the world. Some of these religions are more well-known than others, but all of them have their unique beliefs, traditions, and practices. Today, we will be focusing on the lesser-known religions that begin with the letter Z. We will explore their origins, basic beliefs, and practices to give you a better understanding of these fascinating religions. Whether you are interested in learning about different faiths or simply curious about the world around you, this post will provide you with valuable insights into the religions that start with Z. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of Z religions!

List of religions that start with Z

List of Religions Starting with Z

  • Zarathustrianism: This is an ancient religion that was founded in Persia over 3,500 years ago. Its followers, called Zoroastrians, believe in one God and the concepts of good and evil.
  • Zen Buddhism: Zen is a form of Buddhism that originated in China and later spread to Japan. It emphasizes meditation and the attainment of enlightenment through direct experience rather than through scripture or ritual.
  • Zenonism: Zenonism is a modern religion that was founded in the early 21st century. It is based on the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno of Citium and emphasizes the importance of living a simple and virtuous life.
  • Zionism: Zionism is a political and cultural movement that originated in the late 19th century. Its goal is to establish and maintain a Jewish state in the historic land of Israel.
  • Zomi religion: The Zomi religion is a tribal religion practiced by the Zomi people, who are an ethnic group primarily located in Northeast India and Myanmar. It has animistic and shamanistic elements and emphasizes the importance of ancestral spirits.
  • Zoroastrianism: See Zarathustrianism.
  • Zulu religion: The Zulu religion is the traditional religion of the Zulu people, who are an ethnic group located primarily in South Africa. It has animistic elements and emphasizes the importance of ancestor worship.
  • Zurvanism: Zurvanism is an ancient religion that was practiced in Persia. It is based on the worship of Zurvan, the god of time, and emphasizes the importance of fate and free will.
  • Zaidiyyah: Zaidiyyah is a branch of Shia Islam that is primarily practiced in Yemen. It emphasizes the importance of justice and fighting oppression.
  • Zeniarai Benten: Zeniarai Benten is a Japanese Shinto shrine located in Kamakura. It is dedicated to the goddess Benzaiten and is believed to have the power to multiply and purify money.
  • Zenitism: Zenitism is a modern religion that was founded in the late 20th century. It is based on the teachings of the Italian philosopher and writer Julius Evola and emphasizes the importance of traditionalism and spiritualism.
  • Zhongyuanism: Zhongyuanism is a Chinese folk religion that is primarily practiced in the Henan province. It emphasizes the importance of ancestor worship and the belief in ghosts and spirits.
  • Zorastrianism: See Zarathustrianism.
  • Zulu religion: See Zulu religion.
  • Zurvanism: See Zurvanism.
  • Zakaridja: Zakaridja is a Sufi Muslim sect that is primarily practiced in the Balkans. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual practice and the attainment of mystical knowledge.
  • Zen: See Zen Buddhism.
  • Zeniarai Benten: See Zeniarai Benten.
  • Zenitism: See Zenitism.
  • Zhongyuanism: See Zhongyuanism.
  • Zakat: Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It is the practice of giving a portion of one’s wealth to those in need.

This is a list of 20 religions that start with the letter Z. Some of these religions are very old and have been practiced for thousands of years, while others are more modern. Many of them have unique beliefs and practices that are different from other religions. It’s interesting to learn about different religions and how they shape people’s lives and beliefs.


After delving into the world of religions that start with the letter Z, it’s clear that there is a rich and diverse array of beliefs and practices associated with these faiths. While some may be less well-known than others, each one carries its own unique history and traditions.

Zoroastrianism, for instance, has a rich history dating back thousands of years and continues to be practiced by millions around the world. Meanwhile, Zen Buddhism emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and meditation as a means of achieving enlightenment.

Despite their differences, all of these religions share a common goal: to provide a framework for understanding the world and our place in it. Whether through prayer, meditation, or ritual, each one offers its own path towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

What’s more, these religions have also had a significant impact on the world as we know it today. From the influence of Zoroastrianism on early Judaism and Christianity to the global spread of Zen Buddhism, their teachings and practices have shaped the course of human history in countless ways.

So whether you’re looking to explore a new faith or simply gain a deeper understanding of the world’s religious traditions, the religions that start with the letter Z are certainly worth exploring. With their rich history, diverse practices, and powerful teachings, they offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for all who seek it.

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