How To Get Transmission Fluid Out Of Clothes

Do you feel frustrated when you accidentally spill transmission fluid on your clothes? If you are a car enthusiast or a mechanic, then this can happen a lot. This kind of stain looks greasy and feels impossible to remove. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this guide today, we’ll be sharing tips and tricks on how to get transmission fluid out of clothes. Keep reading to learn more about our effective stain removal techniques that will leave your clothes looking as good as new!

Tips for Immediate Action When Spills Happen

Act Fast

When a spill happens, time is of the essence. The longer the spill sits, the more difficult it can be to remove. As soon as you notice a spill, take immediate action to address it.

Blot, Don’t Rub

When trying to remove a spill, avoid rubbing the affected area. Instead, use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the spill, which can help prevent it from spreading further into the fabric.

Use Cold Water

When treating a spill, avoid using hot water, as this can cause the stain to set. Instead, use cold water to help lift the stain out of the fabric.

Consider Stain Removers

If the spill is particularly stubborn or has set into the fabric, you may need to use a stain remover. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and test the product on a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn’t damage the fabric.

By following these tips for immediate action when spills happen, you can help prevent stains from setting into your clothes and make them easier to remove.

Choosing the Right Products for Pre-treatment

When trying to get transmission fluid out of clothes, it’s important to use the right products for pre-treatment. This will help to loosen and lift the stain, making it easier to remove during the washing process. Look for pre-treatment products that are specifically designed for oil-based stains, like transmission fluid.

One option is to use a pre-treatment spray or liquid. Apply the product directly to the stain and let it sit for at least 5-10 minutes before washing. Another option is to use a laundry detergent that is designed for tough stains. Look for a detergent that contains enzymes, which can break down and remove oil-based stains.

If you don’t have a pre-treatment product on hand, you can also try using common household items like dish soap or baking soda. Apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing. For baking soda, mix it with a small amount of water to create a paste, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before washing.

Remember to always check the care label on your clothing before using any pre-treatment products. Some fabrics may be sensitive to certain chemicals and could be damaged if not treated properly.

Step-by-Step Guide for Removing Transmission Fluid Stains

If you’ve ever had a transmission fluid spill on your clothes, you know how frustrating it can be to try to remove the stain. But don’t worry, with the right techniques, you can get your clothes looking as good as new. Here’s a step-by-step guide for removing transmission fluid stains:

Step 1: Blot the Stain

The first thing you should do is blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. This will help to remove any excess fluid and prevent it from spreading further.

Step 2: Apply Dish Soap

Next, apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the stain and work it into the fabric using your fingers or a soft-bristled brush. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the soap to penetrate the fibers.

Step 3: Rinse with Cold Water

Rinse the affected area with cold water to remove the soap and any remaining transmission fluid. Do not use hot water, as this can set the stain and make it more difficult to remove.

Step 4: Apply Stain Remover

If the stain is still visible, apply a stain remover to the affected area and let it sit for the recommended amount of time. Be sure to read the instructions on the product carefully.

By following these simple steps, you can remove transmission fluid stains from your clothes and get them looking like new again.

Special Considerations for Different Fabrics

When it comes to getting transmission fluid out of clothes, it’s important to take into account the type of fabric you’re dealing with. Different fabrics require different treatment methods to prevent damage or discoloration.

Cotton and Linen

  • For cotton and linen fabrics, start by blotting up as much of the transmission fluid as possible with a clean cloth.
  • Next, apply a mixture of laundry detergent and warm water to the stain and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse the area with warm water and repeat the process until the stain is removed.

Silk and Wool

  • Silk and wool fabrics are more delicate and require a gentler approach.
  • Start by blotting up as much of the transmission fluid as possible with a clean cloth.
  • Apply a small amount of mild detergent to the stain and gently work it in with your fingers.
  • Rinse the area with cool water and repeat the process until the stain is gone.

Synthetic Fabrics

  • Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon can be a bit trickier to clean.
  • Start by blotting up as much of the transmission fluid as possible with a clean cloth.
  • Apply a pre-treatment solution or stain remover to the affected area and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash the garment in the hottest water recommended on the care label.

Leather and Suede

  • Leather and suede are particularly delicate and require special care.
  • Start by using a clean, dry cloth to blot up as much of the transmission fluid as possible.
  • Apply a leather cleaner or suede cleaner to the affected area and gently work it in with a soft-bristled brush.
  • Allow the cleaner to sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a clean, damp cloth.

By taking these special considerations into account, you can effectively remove transmission fluid from your clothes without damaging or discoloring them.

Washing and Drying Clothes After Stain Removal

After successfully removing the transmission fluid stain from your clothes, the next step is to wash and dry them properly. It is important to follow the care label instructions on the clothing to ensure that you don’t damage the fabric or cause any shrinkage.

When washing the clothes, it is recommended to use a high-quality laundry detergent that is suitable for the fabric type. You can also add a stain removal booster to the wash cycle to ensure that any remaining traces of the transmission fluid are removed.

After washing, carefully inspect the clothes to ensure that the stain has been completely removed before drying them. Avoid using a dryer if the stain is still visible as the heat can set the stain permanently. Instead, hang the clothes to air-dry in a well-ventilated area.

Once the clothes are dry, you can check again for any remaining stains. If there are still traces of the transmission fluid, you may need to repeat the stain removal process and wash the clothes again. With proper care, your clothes should be clean and stain-free in no time!

Preventing Future Transmission Fluid Stains

Prevention is always better than cure, and that’s no different when it comes to transmission fluid stains. Here are a few steps you can take to avoid future stains:

  • Regular Maintenance: Keeping your vehicle well-maintained and having regular transmission fluid changes can prevent leaks and spills that may lead to stains.
  • Cover Up: If you’re working on your car, cover the surrounding area with a drop cloth or old sheet to catch any spills.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: When you’re working with transmission fluid, wear protective clothing such as gloves and overalls to prevent stains on your clothes.
  • Quick Clean-Up: If a spill does happen, clean it up as soon as possible to prevent it from soaking into your clothes and leaving a stain. Use a degreaser or dish soap to break down the oil, and then wash the clothes as normal.

By following these simple steps, you can prevent future transmission fluid stains and keep your clothes looking clean and fresh.


In conclusion, getting transmission fluid out of clothes might seem like a daunting task, but with the right products, techniques, and a little bit of patience, it can be done. Remember to act fast and pre-treat the stain with the appropriate product before washing. Pay attention to the fabric type and follow the step-by-step guide for the best results. Always remember to wash and dry the clothes after stain removal. Finally, to prevent future transmission fluid stains, handle car maintenance with care and avoid wearing light-colored clothes when working on your vehicle. With these tips, you can save your clothes and keep them looking fresh and clean.

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