How To Drill Out Ignition Lock Cylinder

Are you struggling with a malfunctioning ignition lock cylinder? It can be frustrating and even prevent you from using your car altogether. You may be considering taking it to a mechanic but before you spend a fortune on repairs, why not try to drill out the ignition lock cylinder yourself? This DIY method can save you time and money, and we’re going to show you how to do it step-by-step in this blog post. So, let’s dive into the details of how to drill out an ignition lock cylinder and get your car running again!

Preparing to Drill Out Ignition Lock Cylinder

Before drilling out an ignition lock cylinder, it is important to take certain precautions to prevent any damage to the vehicle. First, disconnect the battery to avoid any electrical mishaps. Then, remove any trim or covers to access the ignition lock cylinder. It may be helpful to refer to the vehicle’s manual for specific instructions on accessing the ignition lock cylinder.

Next, gather the necessary tools for the job. This may include a power drill, drill bits, lubricant, and a screwdriver. It is important to use the correct size drill bit for the job to avoid damaging the ignition lock cylinder or surrounding components. Additionally, using lubricant can help to prevent the drill bit from overheating and breaking.

Finally, it is important to have a plan in place for what to do once the ignition lock cylinder is drilled out. This may include purchasing a replacement ignition lock cylinder or contacting a locksmith to rekey the ignition. It is also important to have a backup plan in case the drilling process does not go as planned and the ignition lock cylinder cannot be removed.

Tools Needed for Drilling Out Ignition Lock Cylinder

Before you start drilling out the ignition lock cylinder of your vehicle, it is important to make sure you have all the necessary tools. These tools will help you complete the task effectively and safely. Here are the tools you will need:

  • Drill: You will need a power drill to drill out the ignition lock cylinder. Make sure the drill is a high-speed drill that can withstand the pressure and heat generated during drilling.
  • Drill Bits: You will need drill bits of different sizes to drill out the ignition lock cylinder. Start with a small drill bit and gradually increase the size until the cylinder is removed.
  • Screwdriver: You will need a screwdriver to remove any screws or bolts that are holding the ignition lock cylinder in place.
  • Pliers: You will need pliers to grip and twist the ignition lock cylinder as you drill it out.
  • Gloves and Safety Glasses: It is important to wear gloves and safety glasses to protect your hands and eyes from metal shavings and debris that may fly off during drilling.

Make sure you have all these tools before you start drilling out the ignition lock cylinder. It is also important to follow the safety guidelines and instructions carefully.

Steps to Drill Out Ignition Lock Cylinder:
Drilling out an ignition lock cylinder can be a complicated process that requires the right tools and expertise. Here are some essential steps to follow in order to drill out an ignition lock cylinder:

Step 1: Remove the Steering Wheel

The first step is to remove the steering wheel and any covers that are hiding the lock cylinder. This can be done using a screwdriver or a pry bar.

Step 2: Locate the Lock Cylinder

Once the steering wheel is removed, locate the lock cylinder. It is usually located near the bottom of the steering column.

Step 3: Drill a Hole in the Cylinder

Use a drill bit that is slightly larger than the lock cylinder’s diameter and start drilling a hole in the center of the cylinder. Be careful not to drill too deep, as this could damage the steering column.

Step 4: Remove the Cylinder

Once the hole is drilled, insert a screwdriver or a pick into the hole and turn it to remove the lock cylinder. Be sure to turn it in the same direction as you would with the key.

Drilling out an ignition lock cylinder is a last resort when all other methods have failed. It requires a certain level of skill and experience to do it correctly. Following these steps carefully will help you avoid any damage to the steering column and make the process go smoothly.

Removing the ignition lock cylinder after drilling is a crucial step in replacing a faulty cylinder. After drilling, you can easily remove the cylinder with the help of a flathead screwdriver. Simply insert the screwdriver into the drilled hole and turn it counterclockwise until the cylinder pops out.

It is important to note that drilling out the ignition lock cylinder should only be done if all other methods have been exhausted. This method should only be used as a last resort as it can cause damage to the ignition switch and surrounding components.

If you are not confident in your ability to remove the cylinder after drilling, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional mechanic. They will have the necessary tools and expertise to safely remove the cylinder without causing any further damage to your vehicle.

Replacing the Ignition Lock Cylinder is a critical task that every car owner should know how to do. Over time, the lock cylinder can become worn out and may need to be replaced. This is especially important if the key is getting jammed or won’t turn in the ignition. Replacing the ignition lock cylinder can be a bit tricky, but with the right tools and some basic knowledge, you can get the job done.

Step 1: Disconnect the Battery – Before you start working on your car’s ignition, you must disconnect the battery. This will help prevent any electrical issues while you work on the lock cylinder.

Step 2: Remove the Steering Wheel – The next step is to remove the steering wheel. This can be done by using a steering wheel puller tool. Once the steering wheel is removed, you can access the ignition lock cylinder.

Step 3: Remove the Ignition Switch – To remove the ignition lock cylinder, you must first remove the ignition switch. This can be done by removing the screws that hold the switch in place.

Step 4: Install the New Ignition Lock Cylinder – Once the old ignition lock cylinder is removed, you can install the new one. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and double-check that everything is connected properly before reassembling the steering wheel and reconnecting the battery.

Tips to Avoid Drilling Out Ignition Lock Cylinder in the Future

Drilling out an ignition lock cylinder can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. However, there are several tips you can follow to avoid having to do it again in the future:

  • Regular maintenance: Make sure to regularly lubricate your ignition lock cylinder with a silicone-based lubricant to keep it functioning smoothly.
  • Avoid forcing the key: If your key is difficult to turn, avoid forcing it as this can damage the lock cylinder over time.
  • Replace worn keys: If your key is worn or damaged, get it replaced as soon as possible to avoid putting additional stress on the lock cylinder.
  • Be gentle: Handle your key and lock cylinder with care and avoid using excessive force when turning the key.

By following these simple tips, you can help prolong the life of your ignition lock cylinder and avoid the need for drilling it out in the future.


In conclusion, drilling out an ignition lock cylinder can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and steps in place, it is manageable. Remember to prepare yourself by gathering all the necessary tools before starting the process, and take your time to ensure you do not damage any other parts of the car. Once you have successfully drilled out the cylinder, removing and replacing it should be straightforward. However, it is important to take steps to avoid having to drill out the ignition lock cylinder in the future. Regular maintenance and care of your car’s ignition system can help prevent any issues from arising. Always remember to prioritize safety when working on your vehicle. Happy drilling!

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