How to clean your car s windshield with methylated spirits

If you find yourself with a dirty windshield and no Windex, don’t worry – methylated spirits can do the trick! Here’s how to clean your car’s windshield with methylated spirits:

First, pour some methylated spirits onto a clean, soft cloth.

Next, wipe the cloth over the entire windshield, using circular motions.

Once the windshield is covered with a thin layer of methylated spirits, use a second clean, soft cloth to buff it until it’s shining.

That’s it! Your windshield should now be clean and streak-free.

How to clean the windshield of a car side and rear windows glass wash with methylated spirit DIY


What is methylated spirits?

Methylated spirits are a type of alcohol used to clean cars windshields. They are made from methylated spirits, water, and a solvent. They are safe to use on a car’s windshield, but you should dilute them first.

Advantages of using methylated spirits to clean windshields

There are many reasons to use methylated spirits to clean your car’s windshield. Methylated spirits are a strong solvent and can break down the film that builds up on your car’s windshield. This film can reduce your visibility while driving and make it difficult to see out of your car. Additionally, methylated spirits are a safe and effective way to clean your car’s windshield.

How to use methylated spirits to clean your windshield

When it comes to cleaning your car’s windshield, methylated spirits are a popular choice. This alcohol-based cleaner is effective at removing stubborn dirt and debris, and it’s also safe to use on your car’s glass.

To clean your windshield with methylated spirits, first make sure that the car is completely cool. Then, pour a small amount of the cleaner onto a cloth or a piece of paper towel, and spread it over the windshield. Rub the cloth or paper towel over the windshield, using circular motions. Be sure to work the cleaner into the cracks and crevices of the glass.

Wait until the methylated spirits has dried completely before driving the car. If you notice any sign of rain or snow on the windshield after cleaning it with methylated spirits, be sure to wait until the weather is clear before driving.

Precautions to take when using methylated spirits

Methylated spirits are a type of alcohol that is often used to clean surfaces. However, there are some precautions that should be taken when using methylated spirits to clean your car’s windshield.

The first thing to remember is that methylated spirits are very corrosive. So, if you plan on using them to clean your car’s windshield, make sure to wear gloves and eye protection. Also, make sure to use a methylated spirits-free soap to clean the windshield. Finally, make sure to rinse the windshield clean with water once the methylated spirits have been used.

How to store methylated spirits

Methylated spirits can be used to clean your car’s windshield. Methylated spirits are a type of alcohol and can be found in most stores. To clean your windshield with methylated spirits, pour a small amount of methylated spirits onto a cloth and wipe the windshield clean.


cleaning your car’s windshield with methylated spirits is an easy and effective way to keep your windshield clean. This method is also safe for your car’s paint and finish. So, next time you’re looking for an easy way to clean your windshield, give methylated spirits a try.

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